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  • #TEAMUS Information

    What is #TEAMUS?

    TeamUs is a platform designed to present solid marriage principles overlayed with 2 coaches that give you an up-close view inside of their 20+ years of marriage. It's designed to be a safe place to hear relational issues addressed with practical tools and wisdom.

    Who is #TEAMUS for?

    We are for married, engaged, seriously dating and "curiously" single.
    So many people want to prepare for marriage but don't know where to go or what book to read. Likewise there are others that want to take their marriage to the next level no matter how old or young; not to mention the vast group in between.
    The "curiously" single is that person that wants to get ready for marriage and interested in some of the varying dynamics. We invite them to pull a chair up to the conversation to learn, grow and prepare.

    What are the benefits of joining #TEAMUS?

    1.COMMUNITY - We’re not meant to do life alone. AND, community reminds us that we’re not alone. It also provides a safe environment for us to grow together and encourage one another.
    2.CONSISTENCY - Expect weekly content from us, Sunday evenings at 8 PM EST.
    3.RESOURCES - Not only will we discuss relationship issues, but we will also provide video clips, articles, etc….for you to use to enhance your relationship.

    What will I get by signing up for #TEAMUS

    If you choose to follow us for free, you will be able to access our free 15-minute Facebook Live sessions and the free resources available on our page.
    If you choose to contribute and join us for just $14.99 a month, you will gain access to the full-length Sunday Live Broadcasts, access to past sessions and our premium resources and video.

  • Login and Sign up

    How do I create an account?

    Step 1. Press the Login button in the top left corner of the page.

    Step 2. Click on Sign up option at the top of the form.

    Step 3. Fill in the form with your full name, email address and password, as well as the rest of the required information, then press the Register button.

    You will receive an email confirmation for a successfully created account. To find out how to make sign up for #TEAMUS, proceed to the next section.

    How do I sign up?

    Step 1. Click on the Sign up for $14.99 button on the Sunday Live Stream box and wait for the login form to appear. Login with your credentials (email and password).

    Step 2. Select the desired price option.

    Step 3. Enter the required information.

    Step 4. Press the Pay button.

    You will immediately receive access and an email confirming your payment. In case the page does not load, please press the refresh button.

    How do I login and watch?

    Step 1. Click on the Login button in the top right corner.

    Step 2. On the form that appears, enter your login credentials (email and password).

    Step 3. Click on Login.

    The page will then refresh and if you have already purchased, the paywall will disappear. If you haven't purchased, please follow the guidelines above on How do I make a purchase.

    How do I reset my password?

    Step 1. Navigate to the login form by clicking the Loginbutton in the top right corner.

    Step 2. Press the Forgot Password button below the password field on the login screen.

    Step 3. Enter your email address and press the Submit button.

    Step 4. Leave the tab with the form open. In a new tab check your email for a Token that you can use to update your password.

    Step 5. Copy and paste the Token along with your New Password and press the Submit button.

    Your password will be updated. Please login with your email address and new password.

    Can I watch on multiple devices with my account?

    No, you can only watch the #TEAMUS content on one device at a time.

  • Other

    Is payment on your site secure?

    Yes! All sensitive data we handle is sent via SSL.

    This is not indicated as a site-wide use of HTTPS as it is not; it’s purely the calls that need to be made via HTTPS such as private user details or payment information.

    The security of the site is visible using any website inspection tool.

    Why was my credit card declined?

    Credit or debit card can be declined in the following cases:

    1. Lack of funding.

    2. The fraud control system flagged the user as suspicious.

    Please contact your bank.

    What is a CVV number and how do I find it?

    The CVV Number (“Card Verification Value”) is the 3 digit number located at the back of your VISA®, MasterCard® and Discover® branded credit and debit cards. On your American Express® branded credit or debit card it is a 4 digit numeric code.

    Where can I find your Terms and Conditions?

    You can find InPlayer’s terms and conditions on the following link:

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